Child & Youth
Protection Services

MSJ was established with a focus to become a service provider within the child & youth protection services industry across Australia. CYPS is our passion and has been the core foundation of our experience for over 11+ years. Our management team have hands-on experience working with children and youth within Victoria, New South Wales & most recently the Northern Territory.​

What is Out of Home Care (OOHC)

Out-of-home care is where accommodation is organised by governments and child welfare organisations for young persons under 18yrs who cannot live with their family due to:

  • concerns for the child’s safety and wellbeing;
  • serious parent-child conflict;
  • young person’s behaviour being out of control.

The process of out-of-home care can occur voluntarily or from a court order. These orders may include care and protection orders and/or other legal orders. From our experience, children have been removed and placed in out-of-home care when there are serious concerns about any neglect, trauma or abuse that may impact their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Our aim at MSJ is to ensure the environment we provide is safe, secure and stable with culturally appropriate services that are designed to engage our young persons to grow and develop confidence to become good citizens and to contribute to their communities in a positive way.


Therapeutic Residential Care

MSJ provide Therapeutic Residential Care (Accommodation & Support) in the Northern Territory and Queensland. Our point of differentiation is the cultural understanding and appreciation that our management and workers provide.

It is important that our MSJ therapeutic residential workers have relevant qualifications, work experience, must be passionate and reliable given we hold a very important role and relationship with our young person and the various stakeholders. We are always there to ask how we can help.

Training and Experience

MSJ value and acknowledge the importance of having highly trained staff. We strongly promote and encourage our team members to seek further personal development and growth through industry specific education along with the opportunity to attend internal/external organised training. 

MSJ continue to train staff in the following:

  • Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)
  • ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
  • Cultural Awareness Training
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Dementia Training
  • Trauma Informed Care